Impact of Typhoon Surigae on Oceanographic Parameters in Sangihe-Talaud Waters

Niken Kusumawardani, Audia Azizah Azani, Cut Iklima


Tropical cyclones influence the vertical mixing process in the ocean, which positively impacts water fertility. This research aimed to analyze the impact of Typhoon Surigae on oceanographic parameters around Sangihe-Talaud Waters. The data used are wind direction and speed, sea surface temperature, salinity, sea wave height, and daily composite data of chlorophyll-a concentration from 02 - 30 April 2021 obtained from Aqua-MODIS satellite, NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, Copernicus Marine Service, and Ocean Forecast System (OFS) of the Indonesian Agency of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics. The result shows that Typhoon Surigae only influenced weak upwelling and vertical nutrient mixing, characterized by sea surface temperature around 26-27 oC and the value of the chlorophyll-a concentration of 0.1 - 0.7 mg/m3. Furthermore, Typhoon Surigae increased wind speed and significant wave height, creating westward wind patterns and decreased salinity value. This study also found that Typhoon Surigae caused an increase in chlorophyll-a concentration around the Pacific Ocean of Northern Halmahera.


Typhoon Surigae, Oceanographic Parameters, Chlorophyll-a

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