The Massive Fluvial Channel System in The Balam Graben: New Insight and Future Expectation from Menggala Formation in The Northern Rokan Block, Central Sumatera Basin

Iqbal Fardiansyah, Agung Wiyono, Abdullah Faisal Talib


Menggala Formation has been long recognized as high quality oil bearing sand and favorable reservoir in Central Sumatera Basin (CSB). Regionally, this formation is unique in characteristic, distribution and has not been thoroughly evaluated during early exploration and development. This paper aims to explain elaborately the new stratigraphic feature and regional paleogeography model of Menggala Formation throughout Balam grabens by integrating cores, biostratigraphy, water salinity, well log and 2D seismic image to better understand regional stratigraphic play concept. Lower Menggala Formation in the northern Rokan Block has been clearly identified as the large scale of fluvial channel system that deposited parallel with Paleogene border fault remnants during early post-rift phase (22-25 million years ago). The fluvial channel belt is characterized by 4 to 5 km width, thick multi stacking fluvial sequence in the north and gradually change into river mouth sediment in the south. These sediments accumulated in depression area and also proven as huge productive reservoir in many fields. The north-south trending channel axis and geobodies confirmed by paleo bathymetric zonation, water salinity and 2D seismic image. The new paleogeography model helps better understanding of the regional stratigraphic concept of Menggala Formation across Balam grabens. In addition, this conceptual model also leads to strengthen the future exploration and development play concept within study area in Rokan Block.


Menggala Formation; Northern Rokan Block; Central Sumatera Basin

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